Create movie lists "Watched" and "To Watch", rate movies, and add comments.
- Search for movies by title, actor, or director
- Get a list of currently trending movies
- Add custom order for the "To Watch" list
- Share your lists online
- See where you can stream a movie
- Link your VK account and see your friends' lists
- Privacy settings.
- Add additional information such as if you watched a movie in the original version, in a theatre, an extended version, in 4K, etc.
- You can see the original title when you hover over the movie title
- You can only add custom order in the minimal mode and on the gallery page
- The best user experience to reorder movies is available on the gallery page for the "To Watch" list. On the gallery page, additional functionality is available to move a movie to the top or bottom of the list.
- To be able to see where you can stream a movie, you need to set your country in preferences
Streaming data
Streaming data is currently only available in Canada, the United States, and Russia are supported. You can email me to request support for your country.
Rating system
- 1 — Awful
- 2 — Bad
- 3 — Ok
- 4 — Good
- 5 — Excellent
APIs used
Import/Export data
If you would like to import or export data, please email me.
Source code
The source code is available on GitHub.
Contact info
If you have problems with account activation or other issues, questions or feedback please email me at